Liz McClennan
Youth Leader
Metanoia Youth Ministry

Hello! My name is Lorna-Elizabeth McClennan (Liz) and I am a third year psychology and english student at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax Nova Scotia. I have always loved music, reading, the ocean and the forest. In addition to my studies I also work two jobs both in the childcare industry. Working with kids makes me very happy, they teach me more than I could ever teach them, my favourite part of my job is learning what makes others laugh and smile. This aspect is also very obvious in my spiritual life, I am known in my local community as a “Fire-Cracker” which was a nickname given to me because of my intense fire for Jesus but also my big personality and the love I share. I bring this to all aspects of ministry that I take part in such as children’s liturgy, youth group, music ministry and CCO faith study leadership.